Thinking Ahead to Sixth Form


This information is designed to give Year 12 pupils and parents/carers information about the courses which are offered in Sixth Form and to provide some assistance in choosing suitable courses of study. 

The decision to return to Laurelhill for a further two years will depend largely upon performance in GCSE Examinations.

It must be stressed that admission to Advanced Level courses is not automatic and normally a points system will operate.  

Equivalent courses will be scored accordingly. Occupational Studies, OCN and Prince’s Trust are not normally considered as a suitable basis for A Level Courses.  Consideration will be made on an individual basis.

For the ethos of Sixth Form to be maintained it is essential for each pupil to maximise his or her talents and aptitudes.

Each student will be allocated supervised study in school, but much time will be spent studying at home.  The study of chosen subjects should be an intrinsic motivating reward.


Mrs Stewart

Head of Sixth Form


  • Grade A* = 5 Points
  • Grade A = 4 Points
  • Grade B = 3 Points
  • Grade C* = 2 Points
  • Grade C = 1 Points









Sixth Form Points to Note

  • Class sizes will normally be limited to 20 pupils
  • Places on Lisburn Area Learning Community (LALC) courses where limited, will be awarded on a points basis
  • Pupils wanting to return to 6th Form must have a good attendance and behaviour record
  • Students whom the college have deemed suitable for Level 3 courses and have not achieved Grade C in English and/or Mathematics GCSE but have a good GCSE profile, attendance and behaviour record will be considered on an individual basis